Blogs that I follow

Much of my reading and professional development comes from my Twitter feed and my PLN, so there are far too many to list here, but the following are a few of the blogs I regularly visit.

Nicola is an inspiring leader in the field of digital technology and one whom I am lucky enough to have as part of my PLN.

Jackie Child is a Teacher Librarian at a private school in Brisbane and shares fantastic ideas about her library and especially STEM or maker space type activities in her blog.

Elke is an inspiring Australian Canadian teacher who blogs about using technology in education.

A website supporting the book, The Art of Tinkering. A beautiful site that is well organised and easy to explore. It describes itself as: “Experiments with science, art, technology, and delightful ideas.” The blog attached to it,” Sketchpad”, has many interesting ideas and viewpoints about all things related to STEAM.

Megan Daley is a Brisbane Teacher Librarian whose blog includes book reviews and teaching ideas.

An informative blog by a very experienced TL who lives in Australia. It is a little hard to navigate as it has many categories and tabs, but it encapsulates the broad scope of what being a Teacher Librarian entails.

An entertaining and interesting blog about how you can use Pop Culture to improve library services.

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